Nutricosmetics: The Science of Eating for Healthier Skin
We have all heard the term 'cosmetics'. You may also be familiar with the term 'cosmeceuticals' or even 'nutraceuticals'. Well, what...

Watch it Now: CSSC on WXYZ-TV
Do you find yourself with dryer, more irritable skin lately? Michigan winters are known to be especially harsh! Here are 5 easy tips to...

Good morning Detroit! Did you catch the interview with Dr. Carter-Snell on WXYZ-TV Channel 7 this morning? She shared great...

The Secret to Stunning Skin
Health is our primary goal at the Carter Snell Skin Center. We believe anyone can achieve healthy skin by abiding by two basic...

October is Eczema Awareness Month
One thing I absolutely love about living in Michigan is experiencing all four seasons; and fall is my favorite! Unfortunately, my skin...